


Version: 1

Date of creation: June 2024


This webpage contains a lot of written information. For this reason, it is best viewed on the following devices:

  • A desktop or laptop computer
  • A Tablet (such as an iPad or Windows Surface).

 If you need these documents printed and support to complete the consultation, please follow these steps:

  1. Ring 0203 598 9665 and select option 2 when instructed.
  2. Tell us your name and property address
  3. Request "a phone appointment for the Ovington Court Resident Engagement Strategy Consultation"
  4. We will then arrange with you an ideal time for a member of our team to call you back. The member will go through the consultation in this order: 
    1. Resident's Profile Survey
    2. Resident Engagement Strategy - they will read through the details and assist with signing up to the relevant parts, if you desire it.
    3. Resident Engagement Strategy Consultation - they will ask you about specific parts of the strategy in case you wish to provide feedback.
  5. We will then create a record to ensure that all elements of the strategy that you would like to participate in are communicated to you by phone or post.

Skip to a section: 

Why we are proposing an Engagement Strategy

Wall Properties Limited, as the Principal Accountable Person and Head Lessee for the residential part of Ovington Court, is in response to the introduction of the Building Safety Act 2022, creating both a Resident Engagement Strategy.

A resident engagement strategy is a document that primarily sets out the method, frequency, delivery and stakeholder involvement of communications for Ovington Court.

While we are responsible for ensuring that the common parts of the building are safe, you, as leaseholders and residents, have individual responsibilities for safety within your properties. You also need to assist us with certain requirements for compliance of fire safety for the property.

We will be communicating these responsibilities to you annually, or as needed according to any legislative changes.

To understand how to best communicate with you and to enable your engagement in building safety matters,we need to know more about:

  • Who is in the building, and what needs building occupants may have in regards to both communication and fire safety.
  • What input residents and leaseholders would like to have into building safety, and why.
  • Where this information is best kept so that it can be accessible to you at all times.
  • How often and when is it appropriate for everyone to meet to engage in these discussions, and how should those meetings be conducted?

The strategy will help you to:

  • Increase your understanding of the building's safety measures.
  • Increase your knowledge about how Ovington Court's management operates.
  • Understand how to raise any queries, unique insights or complaints regarding building safety with the management team.

It will also enable us to:

  • Comply with building safety legislation.
  • Gain a better understanding of any reasonable requirements that we need to consider for resident safety.
  • Set expectations around reasonable response times for any issues that may arise outside of building safety matters.

The strategy should help you feel more involved in the building's safety.

Fire Safety Information

Day-To-Day Engagement

To report maintenance or aesthetics issues


For Lease Queries

Emergencies & Out of Hours

call 999 in cases of emergency where there is threat to life, property, or disruption to roads and the general public.

How to report a fire

1. Call 999, ask for fire and answer the questions from the Emergency Services operator. Do not hang up the phone until they have correctly repeated the address of the location of the fire.

2. Report the fire to the property managers: 

Monday - Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Jennings & Barrett
Friday: 09:00 - 16:30
Jennings & Barrett
Other hours:
Out of Hours Service

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Download your Fire Action notice here.



IF A fire breaks out in your home: 

  • Leave the room where the fire is straight away, then close the door.
  • Tell everyone in your home and get them to leave. Close the front door of your flat behind you.
  • Do not stay behind to put the fire out.
  • Call the fire service.
  • Wait outside, away from the building.

If you see or hear of a fire in another part of the building:

  • The building is designed to contain a fire in the flat where it starts. This means it will usually be safe for you to stay in your flat if the fire is elsewhere.
  • You must leave immediately if smoke or heat affects your home, or if you are told to do so by the fire service.
  • If you are in any doubt, get out.

To call the fire service:

  • Dail 999 or 112
  • When the operator answers, give your telephone number and ask for FIRE.
  • When the fire service reply, give the address where the fire is.
  • Do not end the call until the fire service have repeated the address correctly.

Do not:

  • Use the lifts
  • Return to the building until you are authorised to do so.


This information has been supplied in compliance with the below guidance, regulations and policies:

Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022; Fact sheet: Information to residents (regulation 9) (, 2023)
Fire Safety Act 2021 and Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022: New regulations introduced. (London Fire Brigade, 2022)

Resident Engagement Strategy

Get Involved & Be Informed

Preparing this strategy

Resident insight: 
There are 38 households within Ovington Court. Until we have completed resident profile surveys, which are in progress, we are creating this strategy on the basis of the following assumptions: 

  • A range of specific meetings will enable face-to-face engagement with those residents who wish to be proactively involved in building safety decisions, or wish to gain a greater understanding into the motivations behind building safety decisions.
  • Electronic communications enable the majority of persons to access the necessary information, at a time that is most convenient for them.
  • We are able to enact the strategy and review participation in order to gain better understanding of the most effective methods for Ovington Court.

Resident Survey

A range of surveys are currently being sent to Residents for their completion. The surveys aims to gather the profile information on residents, as well as to grow our understanding of Resident's communication preferences.

The main dissemination process for this survey is through email, and residents will be emailed weekly to remind them to complete the information. After three weeks, we will begin to make phone calls to residents to complete the information gaps.

This table summarises the engagement methods that we are proposing, and the frequency within which they will either take place or be circulated. Find out more about each engagement method in the following section.


Meeting invitations will be sent to the relevant parties via email unless otherwise requested.

Written Communications

Written communications includes any documents, email, SMS, notices or other forms of information which we might send you, without expecting you to respond. These may be digital or physical (printed) documents.

If you need to have all written communications (other than notifications) printed for accessibility reasons, please let us know.



As Needed


Notifications (E.g. works notices)

Section 20 process: 
1. Notice of intention
2. Notice of Estimates
3. Notice of Reason





As Needed


Annual Meeting

Resident's Committee

Safety Sub-Committee


Resident's Information Pack

Fire & Safety Policy

Annual Meeting Minutes


Notifications (E.g. for minor works)

Major works notices (Section 20)

About Each Communication Method

We have described the proposed formats and purpose of each engagement method. If you have communication needs which the below does not address, E.g. you need large text documents, please ensure that this is noted within your Resident Profile Survey response.

For those engagement methods that require volunteer participants, E.g. the Resident's Committee, you can sign up for these using the links underneath that specific method.

Annual Meeting

online meeting

The Annual Meeting will coincide with the publishing of the annual accounts. Minutes will be circulated to all Leaseholders and members of the Resident's Committee.

Resident's Committee

online meeting
Resident's Committee Chair/VICE-CHAIR


  1. To two-way dialogue between representatives of the Head Lessee and Ovington Court's Leaseholders/Residents
  2. To ensure that residents feel listened to, and are able to present views on all matters concerning management and safety.
  3. To encourage a greater sense of community / create a community platform.


All persons over the age of 16 who live in Ovington Court and accept the aims of the Resident's Committee.


  • Chair: A resident
  • Vice-Chair: To be filled if group size is above eight residents.
  • Secretary: Managing Agent

Safety Sub-Committee

online meeting
Semi-annually (Before Resident's committee meeting)
Or AS required according to legislative changes
Managing Agent
SAFETY-Sub committee members
Building safety
Building safety complaints


  1. To provide a "Resident's Voice" to the building safety matters.
  2. To feed into the Resident's Committee.
  3. To act as Resident Advisors on relevant building safety complaints as part of the Resident Engagement / Building Safety Complains Procedure.
  4. To provide transparency to the Complaints Procedure.
  5. To enable residents to stay informed on building safety legislation, changes, and plans.


All persons over the age of 16 who live in Ovington Court and accept the aims of the Sub-Safety Committee.


  • Chair: A resident, who is also a member of the Resident's Committee.
  • Secretary: Managing Agent

A minimum of two Resident Committee members should be part of the Safety Sub-Committee in order to achieve the committee aims.

Resident's Information Pack

annually / new copies can be requested as needed
Building safety information
Building safety policies
evacuation plans
out of hours contact information
complaints procedure

As required by the Building Safety Act, we are producing a Resident's Information Pack that will provide residents with information about the building's safety procedures, policies, as well as a complaints procedure specific to safety matters.

Annual satisfaction survey

online survey
Leaseholder satisfation with building management

The Annual Satisfaction survey deals only with Leaseholder satisfaction level with building management. As non-leaseholder residents are not service charge contributers, it is not appropriate to include them within this survey.

Resident Profile Survey

online survey
resident safety

Another requirement of the Building Safety Act - we must create and regularly review a Resident Profile as part of the Building Safety Case.

The Building Safety Case is required to register Ovington Court as a High Rise Building with the Building Safety Executive. The profile must contain any information relevant to a safe evacuation of residents in cases of emergency.

The profile will be stored: 

  • In the building safety box
  • Online, within the Building Safety Executive's High Rise Building registration portal
  • On the managing agent's Building Safety Portal
  • Within the building's Building Safety Case box.

Please complete your profile by clicking the appropriate button below. If you are living at Ovington Court, it is your responsibility to make sure that they fill out the appropriate residential profile survey. We have created a template letter for you to provide your tenats with, which you can download here.


Email newsletter
quarterly or as needed according to legislative changes
REsidents & Leaseholders
resident safety
other relevant news

The newsletter will inform you of any upcoming legislative changes or building safety changes that may impact residents. It will also publish the dates of Annual and Resident's Committee meetings.



Any other information you need as a Leaseholder will be sent via email as required. Please note that where this is not related to building safety, it is the responsibility of non-occupying Leaseholders to ensure that this information is passed through to your property occupants.

Suggest alternative engagement methods

If you have other engagement methods you believe Ovington Court's residents could benefit from, you can provide this as a request.

Building Safety Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

1. Introduction

This Complaints Procedure outlines the steps residents of Ovington Court should follow to report and resolve concerns related to the Building Safety Act 2022. Our aim is to ensure a transparent, fair, and efficient process for addressing safety-related issues.

Complaints within this procedure must be relevant to building safety, either addressing: 

  • Structural failure and spread of fire (building safety risks), or
  • The performance of an Accountable Person.

These might be: 

  • Issues that could lead to fire spreading;
  • Issues that could prevent a safe and orderly evacuation in case of building safety emergencies;
  • Issues that could lead to part of or all of the building collapsing;
  • Issues with fire safety renovations.

Complaints will be dealt with impartially. In cases where the complaint concerns the performance of an Accountable Person, the complaint will be escalated to the directors of the Managing Agents.

4. Complaint Submission:

Residents can raise relevant complaints through the following methods:

  • Online Form: here
  • Written Letter: Addressed to the Operations Manager, Jennings & Barrett, Unit 2 Vogans Mill Wharf, London, SE1 2BZ.
  • Any personal data submitted as part of the complaint will be treated according to GDPR and subject to Jennings & Barrett's Privacy Policy.

    5. Complaint Details:

    To ensure a thorough investigation, residents should provide:

    • Full name and contact details.
    • Apartment number.
    • Detailed description of the safety concern.
    • Date and time of the incident or when the issue was noticed.
    • Any supporting evidence (e.g., photographs, witness statements).

    6. Complaints Acceptance Criteria

    All complaints in this process must meet the following criteria to be accepted: 

    • Complaint is related to a building safety issue, or concern the performance of an accountable person;
    • Complaint is: 
      • Truthful: The complaint is accurate, complete and truthful to the best of the complaintant's knowledge
      • Raised in good faith, with genuine concern for the safety and wellbeing of Occupants
      • Verifiable: The complaint is supported by evidence or can be verified through inspection or investigation.
    • The complaint has not previously been addressed.

    7. Acknowledgement of Complaint:

    Upon receipt of a complaint we will communicate: 

    • Initial Acknowledgement: Within 3 business days.
    • Detailed Response: Within 28 business days, outlining the steps to be taken and estimated resolution timeline. The response will detail: 
      • Reasons for any decisions made in response to all of the issues raised, including details of any reasons for complaint rejection.
      • Actions that have been carried out or planned, with an estimated time frame for any actions that need to be completed.

    8. Investigation Process:

    Following receipt of a complaint, the following process will begin:

    Stage 1: Assessment & Triage: 

    • Initial Acknowledgement sent to resident.
    • Creation of an internal record of the complaint.
    • Initial Assessment: Conducted by the Operations Manager or designated representative to determine the severity and nature of the complaint. The investigator may have additional questions for the complainant at this point, we ask that this information is provided within five business days to assist investigations
    • Triage the complaint based on severity.

    Stage 2: Action & Remedy:

    • Create a clear plan to investigate remedy the issue, or action the plan if immediate solutions are available;
    • Provide a Detailed Response to the complainant;
    • Communicate the complaint and following actions with the Principle Accountable Person and the Safety sub-committee;
    • Full Investigation: If required, a comprehensive investigation will be conducted, which may involve:
      • Site inspections.
      • Interviews with residents or staff.
      • Review of safety logs and maintenance records.
    • If the process takes more than 28 days, an update will be provided to the complainant and to the Principle Accountable Person monthly to communicate any delays or changes to the investigation or remedial action plan;
    • If needed, the complaint and remedy action plan will be communicated to all residents and leaseholders;
    • External Expertise: In some cases, external safety experts may be consulted;
    • Resolution notification: Once the complaint is resolved, the complainant will receive a resolution notification.

    9. Disputes & Escalation:

    If a resident is dissatisfied with the response or resolution, they can request a review by Directors within 10 business days of the resolution notification. This can be requested by emailing

    An issue relating to the structural failure and spread of fire (building safety risks), or the performance of an Accountable Person (AP), can be referred to the Building Safety Regulator with the complainant's consent, if: 

    • An agreement cannot be reached between the Principle Accountable Person and the Accountable Person;
    • No satisfactory outcome has been achieved;
    • The complainant is not satisfied with the outcome.

    For Lease Queries


    To report maintenance or aesthetics issues


    Other helpful resources

    The Leaseholder Advisory Service

    Provides free advice on residential leasehold. As an independent body, LEASE advise leaseholders. All advisers are legally qualified.

    Fire Safety At Home

    London Fire Brigade's resource for home owners and residents.

    TPI Building Safety Hub

    A free-for-all resource collating building safety information and legislation. From The Property Institute.

    The Leaseholder Advisory Service

    Provides free advice on residential leasehold. As an independent body, LEASE advise leaseholders. All advisers are legally qualified.

    Fire Safety At Home

    London Fire Brigade's resource for home owners and residents.

    TPI Building Safety Hub

    A free-for-all resource collating building safety information and legislation. From The Property Institute.



    1. Joining the relevant meetings

    Annual Meeting

    Annual Meeting invitations will be circulated to every Leaseholder with a minimum of three weeks' notice.

    Resident's Committee

    Sign up to the Resident's Committee here. For the first Resident's Committee meeting, an invitation will be circulated to Leaseholders. We are in the process of asking Leaseholder-non-occupants to provide us with the details of their occupants. We will also circulate invitations to those residents we are able to contact.

    Following the first meeting, subsequent meeting dates will be circulated via the Newsletter and email to those who have signed up to the Resident's Committee.

    Safety Sub-Committee

    Sign up to the Safety Sub-Committee here. Meeting invitations will be sent to anyone who signs up for the committee.

    Dates for all meetings will published in newsletters.

    2. I'm a non-occupying Leaseholder. How can I share the details of my tenants with you so that they can be included?

    Before sharing any occupant details, you must ensure that you notify them that you are required to do so. The right to do so may be covered by the AST agreement, if one exists between you and the occupant.

    Complete this form to enter the details of the Lead Occupant. We will then contact them to complete the required Resident Profile for Building Safety Act compliance.

    Please note that, as the Leaseholder of your property, it is your responsibility to ensure that all Residents within your property are aware of the fire emergency plan and know how to raise any safety concerns with you.

    If you would rather share our details with your tenants so that they can input their information themselves, we have created this templated letter for you to assist.

    For Lease Queries


    To report maintenance or aesthetics issues


    End of Draft Strategy
